We only use 100% Organic Spirulina produced and processed in Italy: the quality is certified.
Spirlife is the all-Italian company dedicated to functional nutrition. Our mission is to help people improve their state of well-being - physical, mental and economic. We can do this thanks to our products, totally natural and Made in Italy, which FAO has defined FOOD OF THE FUTURE!
We only use 100% Organic Spirulina produced and processed in Italy: the quality is certified.
The natural production of Spirulina has no costs for the environment: the food of the future.
Thanks to our Network you have the opportunity to grow your network and your career.
The most powerful and complete resource on the planet, for physical and mental well-being.
Spirlife products are made with Italian Spirulina, subjected to strict controls.
Well being
Anti-oxidant, it helps the immune system, purifies and strengthens the organism. With 70% protein.
Thanks to Sprilife, you can help us promote physical, mental and economic well-being.
🌿 Cos’è la spirulina? La Spirulina è una microalga caratterizzata da un elevato valore nutrizionale e da un basso impatto ambientale, tale da essere definita dalla FAO “il cibo del futuro”. Contiene proteine vegetali ed è ricca di vitamine, sali minerali e fitonutrienti. I prodotti Spirlife sono realizzati con Spirulina 100%. 💪🏻 Che benefici ha? […]
La Spirulina ha un alto contenuto proteico e vitaminico, che la rende un ottimo integratore alimentare per diete vegetariane o vegane.
Per gli atleti, la dieta è estremamente importante. Hanno bisogno dei nutrienti giusti per alimentare i loro allenamenti e le loro prestazioni.